32-930. Lifetime hunting, fishing andfurharvesting licenses; persons in arrearage of child support, prohibitionagainst issuance of such licenses.(a) Except as provided in subsection (c), the secretary orthe secretary'sdesignee is authorizedto issue to any Kansas resident a lifetimefishing, hunting or furharvester or combination hunting and fishinglicense upon properapplication made therefor to the secretary or the secretary's designeeand payment of a license fee as follows: (1) A total payment made at the timeof purchase in the amount prescribed pursuant to K.S.A. 32-988 and amendmentsthereto; or (2) paymentmay be made over a two-year period in eight quarter-annual installments in theamount prescribed pursuant to K.S.A. 32-988 and amendments thereto. Ifpaymentis in installments, thelicense shall not be issued until the final installment has been paid. A personmaking installment paymentsshall not be required to obtain the appropriate annual license, and eachinstallment payment shall be deemed to be such an annual license for a periodof one year following the date of the last installment payment made. Ifan installment payment is not received within 30 days after it is due andowing, the secretary may consider the paymentsin default and may retain any payments previously received. Any lifetimelicense issued to a Kansas resident shall not be made invalid by reason of theholder thereof subsequently residing outside the state of Kansas.Any nonresident holder of a Kansas lifetime hunting orcombination hunting and fishing license shall be eligible under the sameconditions as a Kansas resident for a big game or wild turkey permitupon properapplication to the secretary. Any nonresident holder of alifetime fishing license issued before July 1, 1989, shall be eligibleunder the same conditions as a Kansas resident for a big game or wildturkey permit uponproper application to the secretary.
(b) For the purposes of subsection (a), the term "resident" shall have themeaning defined in K.S.A. 32-701, and amendments thereto, except that a personshall have maintainedthat person's place of permanent abode in this state for a period of not lessthan one yearimmediately preceding the person's application for a lifetime fishing, huntingor furharvester or combination hunting and fishing license.
(c) (1) Upon request of the secretary of social and rehabilitationservices,thesecretary of wildlife and parks shall not issue a lifetime fishing, huntingor furharvester orcombination hunting and fishing license to an applicant except as provided inthis subsection. The secretary of social and rehabilitation services may makesucha request if, at the time of the request, the applicant:
(A) Owed arrearages under a support order in a title IV-D case beingadministered by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services;
(B) had outstanding a warrant or subpoena, directed to the applicant, ina title IV-D case being administered by the secretary of social andrehabilitation services;
(C) owes arrearages under a support order, as reported to the secretary ofsocial and rehabilitation services by the court trustee; or
(D) has failed, after appropriate notice, to comply with a subpoena directedto the individual by the court trustee as reported to the secretary of socialand rehabilitation services by the court trustee.
(2) Upon receiving a release from an authorized agent of the secretaryof social and rehabilitation services or the court trustee, thesecretary of wildlife and parks may issue the lifetime fishing, hunting orfurharvester or combination hunting and fishing license. The applicant shallhave the burden of obtaining and delivering the release.
(3) The secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall issue arelease upon request if, as appropriate:
(A) The arrearages are paid in full or atribunal of competent jurisdiction has determined that no arrearages are owed;
(B) an income withholding order has been served upon theapplicant's current employer or payor;
(C) an agreement has been completed or an order has beenentered setting minimum payments to defray the arrearages, together withreceipt of the first minimum payment;
(D) the applicant has complied with the warrant or subpoenaor the warrant or subpoena has been quashed or withdrawn; or
(E) the court trustee notifies the secretary of social and rehabilitationservices that the applicant has paid the arrearages in full or has compliedwith the subpoena or the subpoena has been quashed or withdrawn.
(d) (1) Upon request of the secretary of social and rehabilitationservices, the secretary of wildlife and parks shall suspend a lifetime fishing,hunting or furharvester or combination hunting and fishing license to alicensee as provided in this subsection. The secretary of social andrehabilitation services may make such a request if, at the time of the request,the applicant owed arrearages under a support order or had outstanding awarrant or subpoena as stated in subsection (c)(1).
(2) Upon receiving a release from an authorized agent of the secretary ofsocial and rehabilitation services or the court trustee, the secretary ofwildlife and parks may reinstate the lifetime fishing, hunting or furharvesteror combination hunting and fishing license. The licensee shall have the burdenof obtaining and delivering the release.
(3) The secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall issue a releaseupon request if the requirements of subsection (c)(3) are met.
(e) Nothing in subsection (c) or (d) shall beconstrued torequire or permit the secretary of wildlife and parks to determine any issuerelated to a child support order or related to the title IV-D caseincluding to resolve questions of mistaken identity ordetermine the adequacy ofany notice relating to subsection (c) or (d) that thesecretary of wildlife and parks provides to the applicant.
(f) "Title IV-D" means part D of title IV of the federal socialsecurity act (42 U.S.C. § 651 et seq.) and amendments thereto, as ineffect on December 31, 2001, relating to child support enforcement services.
(g) The secretary, in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805 andamendments thereto, may adopt rules and regulations necessary to carry out theprovisions of this section.
History: L. 1982, ch. 171, § 1;L. 1987, ch. 140, § 1; L. 1987, ch. 295, § 3; L. 1987, ch. 141, § 1;L. 1989, ch. 48, § 84; L. 1989, ch. 118, § 67;L. 1997, ch. 182, § 61;L. 1999, ch. 120, § 2;L. 2002, ch. 5, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 99, § 4;L. 2007, ch. 174, § 5; July 1.