32-938. Big game or wild turkey permits; reissuanceto certain military personnel.The department of wildlife and parks may reissue big game or wild turkeylimiteddrawpermits to military personnel forced to forfeit their limited draw permit duetodeployment in the event of armed conflict or war upon application and paymentof theprescribed fee to the department and sufficient proof of such deployment. Thepermit, ifreissued, shall be the same type, season and species permit that was forfeitedand shallbe valid during the next available hunting season upon return from the armedconflict orwar by the applicant provided that the secretary may defer the reissuance ofa permit to a future hunting season if the overall demand for reissued permitsexceeds the anticipated annual sustainable harvest for that species. Thereissuance of a permit shall be based on a first come, first served basis.
History: L. 1991, ch. 105, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 99, § 6;L. 2007, ch. 133, § 2; Jan. 1, 2008.