32-955. Wildlife damage control permit.(a) A valid wildlife damage control permit is required touse sodium fluoroacetate, commonly called formula 1080. Such permit may beobtained from the secretary andshall be signed by the secretary and the extension specialist in wildlifedamage control at Kansasstate university. No such permit shall be issued until the extensionspecialist in wildlife damage control approves and recommends the use ofsodium fluoroacetate.
(b) The secretary may, by rules and regulations adopted in accordancewith K.S.A. 32-805 and amendments thereto, require wildlifedamage control permits for wildlife damage control by use of poison, poisonousgas, smoke or ferrets or by use of any smoke gun or other device for forcingsmoke or any other asphyxiating or deadly gas or liquid into the holes, dens,runways or houses of wildlife. Such permits may be issued in cooperation withthe extension specialist in wildlife damage control.
(c) A permit may be issued pursuant to this section upon application tothe secretary and payment of the fee prescribed pursuant to K.S.A. 32-988.
(d) The secretary may adopt, in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805and amendments thereto, rules and regulations to administer, implement andenforce the provisions of this section.
History: L. 1989, ch. 118, § 96; July 1.