32-960a. Same; recovery plans; advisory committees, duties.(a) On or before January 1, 1998, the secretary shall adopt,in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805 and amendments thereto,rules and regulations establishing procedures for developing and implementingrecovery plans for all species listed as in need of conservation, threatened orendangered. The secretary shall give priority to development of recoveryplans for particular species based on a cumulative assessment of the scientificevidence available. Based on the priority ranking, the secretary shall developand begin implementation of recovery plans for at least two listed species onor before January 1, 1999.
(b) Whenever a species is added to the list of threatened or endangeredspecies, the secretaryshall establish a volunteer local advisory committee composed of membersbroadly representative of the area affected by the addition of the species tothe list. Members shall include representatives of specialists from academicinstitutions, agribusiness and other trade organizations, state environmentaland conservation organizations and other interested organizations andindividuals. In addition, the membership shall include, if appropriate,landowners and public officials representing state, local and tribalgovernments. To the maximum extent possible, committee membership shall evenlybalance the interests of all potentially affected groups andinstitutions.
(c) The advisory committee shall: (1) Work with the secretary to adapt thelisting of the species and the recovery plan for the species to the social andeconomic conditions of the affected area; and (2) disseminate information tothe public about the scientific basis of the decision to list the species, theregulatory process and incentives available to landowners pursuant to this act.
(d) If a species in need of conservation receives a priority ranking todevelop and begin implementation of a recovery plan, the secretary shallestablish a volunteer local advisory committee in the same manner as providedby subsection (b) to work with the secretary to adapt the recovery plan anddisseminate information to the public.
(e) In implementing a recovery plan for a species, the secretary shallconsider any data, recommendations and information provided by the advisorycommittee.
History: L. 1997, ch. 113, § 3; May 1.