32-970. Commission permits to take big game;issuance.(a) The commission may authorize commission permits totake big game. Such permits shall be made available only to local chaptersof nonprofitorganizations based or operating in Kansas that actively promotewildlife conservation and the hunting andfishing heritage. Organizations that oppose hunting and fishing shall not beeligible for award of a commission permit.
(b) The issuance of commission permits shall be subject to the followinglimitations:
(1) Not more than one permit allowing the taking of an antelope shall beissued in a calendar year;
(2) not more than one permit allowing the taking of an elk shall be issued ina calendar year;
(3) any deer permits may comprise the entire allotment or the balance of thetotal quota if permits for other species are issued;
(4) a total of not more than seven commission permits shall be available inone calendar year; and
(5) commission permits shall not be included in nor reduce any limitedquota permit allotments set by other rules and regulations of the secretary.
(c) Not more than one commission permit may be issued to an organization,but this limitation shall not preclude individual chapters of the sameorganization from being issued permits.
(d) Organizations receiving commission permits shall market the permit tothe public in order to receive the maximum financial benefit available for theorganization and the department.
(e) Application requests by qualified organizations shall be submitted to anymember of the commission and shall be provided to the commission as a whole.
(f) The commission shall conduct a random drawing from the pool of eligiblequalified organizations to award commission permits, subject to the approvalof the secretary.
(g) Organizations shall not be eligible to receive a commission permit morethan once in a three-year period.
(h) Organizations awarded commission permits shall pay to the departmentthe price established by rules and regulations for the highest value for thetype of permit awarded. No other compensation shall be provided to thecommission or the department with regard to issuance of a commission permit.The balance of the sale price for the permit shall be retained by theorganization. If the organization is Kansas hunters feedingthehungry, inc., notless than 15% of the amount retained by the organization shall be used tosupplement department sponsored or approved projects. For any otherorganization,not less than 85% shall be used to supplementdepartment sponsored or approved projects.
(i) Limitations established by law or by rules and regulations adopted by thesecretary pursuant to K.S.A. 32-807, and amendments thereto, relating to theability to receive a same species permit in the future shall apply to the finalrecipient of the commission permit.
(j) Commission permits shall only be issued in the name of the finalrecipient. Once a commission permit is issued in the name of the finalrecipient, it shall not be transferred to any other individual.
(k) Any commission permit shall be subject to the restrictions of theseason, sex, equipment type or hunt units as issued on the permit by thedepartment.
(l) The secretary may adopt, in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805, and amendmentsthereto, such rules and regulations as necessary to implement the provisions ofthis section.
History: L. 2005, ch. 99, § 1;L. 2007, ch. 143, § 1;L. 2008, ch. 50, § 1; Apr. 10.