32-971. Youth hunt of a lifetime deer permits;issuance.(a) The commission may authorize youth hunt of alifetime deer permits to take deer. Such permits shall be madeavailable only to nonprofit organizations based or operating inKansas that actively promote hunting for youth under the age of21 who are handicapped or experiencing life threateningillnesses.
(b) The issuance of youth hunt of a lifetime deer permits shallbe subject to the following limitations:
(1) A total of not more than 10 youth hunt of a lifetimepermits shall be available in one calendar year;
(2) youth hunt of a lifetime permits shall not be includedin nor reduce any limited quota permit allotments set byother rules and regulations of the secretary.
(c) Application requests by qualified organizations shall besubmitted to any member of the commission and shall be providedto the commission as a whole.
(d) The commission shall conduct a random drawing from the poolof eligible qualified organizations to award youth hunt of alifetime permits, subject to the approval of the secretary.
(e) Organizations awarded youth hunt of a lifetime permits shallpay to the department the price established by rules andregulations for the highest value for the type of permit awarded.
(f) Youth hunt of a lifetime permits shall only be issued in thename of the final recipient. Once a youth hunt of a lifetimepermit is issued in the name of the final recipient, it shall notbe transferred to any other individual.
(g) Youth hunt of a lifetime permits shall be subject to therestrictions of the season, sex, equipment type or hunt units asissued on the permit by the department.
(h) Organizations awarded youth hunt of a lifetime permits shallprovide the department with a final report on the useof thepermit by the final recipient not later than 30 days followingthe close of the season for which the permit is valid.
(i) The secretary may adopt, in accordance with K.S.A. 32-805,and amendments thereto, such rules and regulations as necessaryto implement the provisions of this section.
History: L. 2007, ch. 143, § 3; July 1.