34-230b. Injunction proceedings; how prosecuted.The secretary may enjoin a warehouseman from violating orcontinuing toviolate the provisions of chapter 34 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, andamendments thereto, and therules and regulations adopted by the secretary pursuantto such laws by filing injunction proceedings in the districtcourt.In any such proceedings the district court, if it deems it proper, mayorder such warehouseman to not receive any more grain into suchwarehouse or to deliver any grain therefrom except as the court by itsorder shall direct. Such injunction proceeding shall be prosecuted bythe attorney general or the county attorney of the proper county uponrequest of the secretary.
History: L. 1955, ch. 232, § 9;L. 1997, ch. 160, § 22; Sept. 1.