34-239. Form of receipt for storage grain.Every receipt issued for grain stored in a warehouse licensed under thisact shall embody within its written or printed terms: (a) The location ofthe warehouse where the grain is stored; (b) the statement whether thegrain received will be delivered to bearer, to a specified person, or to aspecified person or his order; (c) the date of the issuance of the receipt;(d) the rate of the storage charges or the basis for such charges; (e) thenet weight and percentage of dockage, together with the grade; (f) thewords, nonnegotiable, not negotiable, or negotiable, according to thenature of the receipt, clearly and conspicuously printed or stampedthereon; (g) the signature of the warehouseman which may be made by hisauthorized agent; (h) if the receipt for grain of which the warehouseman isowner either wholly or jointly, or in common with others, the facts aboutsuch ownership; (i) a statement of the amount of the advances made or theliability incurred, for which the warehouseman claims a lien, but if theprecise amount of such advances made, or of such liabilities incurred, beat the time of the issuance of the receipts unknown to the warehouseman, orto his agent who issues it, a statement of the fact that advances have beenmade, or liabilities incurred and the purpose thereof, is sufficient.
A warehouseman shall be liable to any person injured thereby for alldamages caused by the omission from a negotiable receipt of any of theterms herein required.
History: L. 1931, ch. 194, § 17; July 1.