39-1604. Secretary of social and rehabilitation services to adoptstate assessment of needs; plan to develop and operate a state system;development by mental health centers of community assessment of needs andplan for community based services; annual review and update of assessmentof needs and plan; coordinated services plan.(a) On or before October 1, 1991, and in accordance with rules andregulations adopted under K.S.A. 39-1603 and amendments thereto,the secretary shall develop and adopt a state assessment of needs and aplan to develop and operate a state system to provide mental healthservices for persons who are residents of Kansas, including all targetedpopulation members designated by rules and regulations adopted by thesecretary. The plan for the state system shall include coordinating andassisting in the provision of community based mental health services in theservice delivery areas of mental health centers, including the servicesprovided by state psychiatric hospitals and the provision of statefinancial assistance. On or before March 1, 1992, the secretary shall adopta state plan for an integrated system to coordinate and assist in theprovision of community based mental health services within Kansas. Theassessment of needs and plan for the state shall be reviewed and updated bythe secretary on an annual basis.
(b) The secretary shall assist and coordinate the development by eachmental health center of a community assessment of needs and a plan for thecommunity system to provide community based mental health services forpersons who reside in the service delivery area of the mental healthcenter, including all targeted population members. The secretary shallreview and approve, or return, with recommendations for revision andresubmittal, all such assessments of needs and plans in accordance withcriteria prescribed by rules and regulations adopted under K.S.A.39-1603 and amendments thereto. If necessary services for a servicedelivery area cannot be provided by the mental health center or inorder to ensure that a continuum of services will be provided in a servicedelivery area, the secretary may require the provision of servicesfor a service delivery area through contracts between two or more mental healthcenters.
(c) Each mental health center shall annually review and update suchassessment of needs and plan for the service delivery area. If theassessment of needs or the plan for the community system to providecommunity based mental health services are not in compliance with thecriteria prescribed by rules and regulations under K.S.A.39-1603 and amendments thereto, the secretary shall withhold all or part ofthe state financial assistance provided to the mental health center.
(d) On or before October 1, 1991, and annually on or before such datethereafter, each mental health center shall submita coordinated services plan addressing the service needs of thetargeted population to the secretary of social and rehabilitation servicesfor review and approval. The annual coordinated services plan shall bedeveloped according to the standards established by rules and regulationsadopted by the secretary of social and rehabilitation services.
History: L. 1990, ch. 92, § 4; July 1.