39-1605. Governor's mental health services planningcouncil;composition of council; chairperson; terms of members; vacancies;vice-chairperson; compensation.(a) There is hereby established the governor's mental health servicesplanning council. The council shall consist of 25 members.
(b) So the composition of the council is incompliance with the requirements of public law 102-321 andsupplementaryfederal acts, persons appointed to the council will be inaccordance with the following:
(1) Nine members shall be stateagency representatives who shall include:
(A) The commissioner ofmental health and developmental disabilities;
(B) the secretary of social and rehabilitation services shall appoint onemember for eachof the following areas: vocational rehabilitation, alcoholand drug abuse services, medical services and children and family services;
(C) the commissioner of juvenile justice;
(D) the commissioner of education;
(E) the secretary of corrections; and
(F) the secretary of commerce. If a commissioner or secretary is unable toparticipate,the commissioner or secretary shall appoint a designee as the official memberof thecouncil.
(2) The governor shall appoint the following persons to thecouncil:
(A) One member shall be a person licensed to practice medicineandsurgery with board certification in psychiatry;
(B) two members shall be executive directors of mental healthcenters; and
(C) 13 members shall be individuals who are not stateemployees or providers of mental health services. Of the 13 members, fourmembers shall be adult consumers with serious and persistent mental illness;three members shall be immediate family members of adultconsumers with serious and persistent mental illnesses; four members shallbefamily members of minor children or youth with severe emotional disturbances;and two members shall be members of the general public.
(c) The terms of members who are currentlyserving on the council shall expire on the effectivedate of this act. At that time, appointees of the governor under subsection(b)(2) shall be appointed to the council by the governor with 1/2 appointed fora term oftwo years andthe other 1/2 for a term of four years as specified by the governor.Thereafter, each member appointed tothe council by the governor shall be appointed for aterm of four years.
(d) Each member of the council shall serve until a successor is appointedand qualified. In the case of a vacancy on the council, a successor of likequalifications shall be appointedor designated to fill theunexpired term in accordance with subsections (b)(1) and (2).
(e) The governor shalldesignate thechairperson of the council. The members of the council shall elect avice-chairperson.
(f) Members of the governor's mental health services planningcouncilattending meetings of the council, or attending a subcommittee meetingthereof authorized by the council, shall be paid amounts provided insubsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments thereto.
History: L. 1990, ch. 92, § 5;L. 1997, ch. 73, § 1;L. 2003, ch. 154, § 13; July 1.