39-1606. Meetings of governor's mental health services planningcouncil; duties of council; visits to state psychiatric hospitals and otherproviders; annual reports.(a) The governor's mental health services planning council shall holdregular quarterly meetings and such other meetings as the chairperson ofsuch council deems advisable, and in addition shall meet at such othertimes upon the call of the secretary.
(b) It is the duty of the governor's mental health services planning council to:
(1) Confer, advise and consult with the secretary with respect to thepolicies governing the management and operation of all state psychiatrichospitals and facilities and community based mental health services;
(2) serve as an advocate for targeted population members and otherindividuals with mental illness or emotional problems;
(3) monitor, review and evaluate, not less than once each year, theallocation and adequacy of mental health services within the state;
(4) perform such other planning , reviewing and evaluating of mentalhealth services in this state, as may be requested by the secretary or asmay be prescribed by law; and
(5) consult with and advise the governor, from time to time, withreference to the management, conduct and operation of state psychiatrichospitals and mental health programs.
(c) A member or members of the governor's mental health servicesplanning council, at least once each year, shall visit each statepsychiatric hospital and may visit other providers of community basedmental health services for the purpose of inspecting the state psychiatrichospital, mental health center or the facility of other such providers ofcommunity based mental health services. Such visits shall be made at suchtimes and in such manner as the council determines at a regular meeting.
(d) The governor's mental health services planning council shall makeannual reports to the governor and the members of the legislature and maymake such recommendations as it deems advisable for appropriate legislation.
History: L. 1990, ch. 92, § 6; July 1.