39-1608. Mental health centers to develop community assessment ofneeds and plan to provide community based mental health services; approvalby secretary; annual reviews and reports; amendments to plan; rules andregulations; guidelines for conduct of assessments of need, for developmentand operation of system of services and for periodic reporting to the secretary.(a) On or before October 1, 1991, and in accordance with rules andregulations adopted by the secretary each mental health center shallprepare and adopt a community assessment of needs and a plan to providecommunity based mental health services for persons who are residents of theservice delivery area of the mental health center and shall submit suchassessment of needs and plan to the secretary for approval. Among otherprovisions, such plan shall include the provision of services to alltargeted population members who apply therefor.
(b) Each mental health center shall conduct annual reviews of thecommunity assessment of needs for the service delivery area and shallreport annually to the secretary the results of such reviews and anyamendments to the community assessment of needs or the plan to providecommunity based mental health services which are adopted. The amendments tosuch plan shall be subject to approval by the secretary in accordance withcriteria prescribed by rules and regulations adopted by the secretary.
(c) Prior to October 1, 1991, the secretary shall adopt rules andregulations prescribing guidelines for the conduct of community assessmentsof need, for the development and operation of systems to provide communitybased mental health services within the service delivery area of the mentalhealth center, and for periodic reporting to the secretary on theoperations under such systems in accordance with this act.
History: L. 1990, ch. 92, § 8; July 1.