39-1610. Participating mental health centers; services provided;disbursement of funds for services; mental health reform phased program;admission and discharge criteria for patients; contracts for nonclinicalservices.(a) Prior to January 1, 1991, for the Osawatomie state hospital catchmentarea, prior to July 1, 1992, for the Topeka state hospital catchment areaand prior to July 1, 1993, for the Larned state hospital catchment area,the secretary shall enter into contracts with mental health centers so thatthere is a participating mental health center for each area of the state.Each participating mental health center entering into a contract with thesecretary under this section shall provide screening, treatment andevaluation, court ordered evaluation and other treatment services pursuantto the care and treatment act for mentally ill persons.
(b) Subject to the provisions of this act and appropriations acts, thesecretary shall administer and disburse funds to each mental health centerfor the coordination and provision of mental health services for allpersons who are residents of the service delivery area of such mental healthcenter.
(c) Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of this act andappropriations acts, the secretary shall undertake, in cooperation withparticipating mental health centers, the establishment and implementation ofthe mental health reform phased program.
(1) Beginning with the Osawatomie state hospital catchment area, thesecretary shall enter into contracts with participating mental healthcenters to reduce the rated bed capacity of the Osawatomie state hospital as follows:
(A) One unit of 20 to 30 beds for adults shall be closed by June 30, 1991;
(B) by June 30, 1992, an additional unit or units comprising 20 to 30beds shall be closed for adolescents; and
(C) by June 30, 1993, an additional unit or units comprising 20 to 30adult beds shall be closed.
(2) For the Topeka state hospital catchment area, the secretary shallenter into contracts with participating mental health centers to reduce therated bed capacity of Topeka state hospital as follows:
(A) One or more units comprising 20 to 30 adolescent beds shall beclosed by June 30, 1993;
(B) an additional unit or units comprising 20 to 30 adult beds shall beclosed by June 30, 1994; and
(C) an additional unit or units comprising 20 to 30 adult beds shall beclosed by June 30, 1995.
(3) For the Larned state hospital catchment area, the secretary shallenter into contracts with participating mental health centers to reduce therated bed capacity of Larned state hospital by closing one or more unitscomprising 20 to 30 adult beds in each of the fiscal years ending June 30,1994, June 30, 1995, and June 30, 1996.
(d) The staff of each state psychiatric hospital and the staff of theparticipating mental health centers in the catchment area of the statepsychiatric hospital shall develop and implement admission and dischargecriteria for all patients. The provisions of this section shall beincorporated into all contracts entered into between the secretary and theparticipating mental health centers.
(e) A participating mental health center may expend funds received fromthe secretary to contract with a contracting agency for the purchase ofadministrative, financial and other nonclinical services from suchcontracting agency as may be needed to assist the participating mentalhealth center to carry out the provisions of the contract entered into bythe center with the secretary.
History: L. 1990, ch. 92, § 10;L. 1996, ch. 167, § 52; Apr. 18.