39-1611. Pilot project to provide psychiatric and substance abuseservices for medicaid eligible residents less than 21 years of age;contract for such services; reports and information.Subject to applicable federal guidelines and regulations and the provisionsof appropriations acts, the secretary shall negotiate and enter into acontract for a pilot project to be conducted during the fiscal year endingJune 30, 1992. If the secretary conducts a pilot project under thissection, the pilot project may be conducted to provide the medicaidservices related to psychiatric and substance abuse services for Kansasmedicaid eligible residents who are less than 21 years of age on the basisof a described set of such services to a predetermined population asprescribed by the contract. The contract shall not be subject to thecompetitive bid requirements of K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto. Theservices to be provided for such residents under the contract shall includebut not be limited to case management services, day treatment, outpatientservices and emergency services. The contract may be entered into by thesecretary with a single mental health center or with a contracting agencyto provide such services through a mental health center or other qualifiedservice providers, or both, within an area of Kansas determined by thesecretary. In determining the location of the pilot project and the area inwhich such services shall be provided, the secretary shall consider boththose areas in which such services are being provided currently for suchresidents by mental health centers and those areas of Kansas in which suchservices can be provided for such residents at the time the pilot projectis to commence under the contract. The secretary shall submit a preliminaryreport on the results of the pilot project to the committee on ways andmeans of the senate and the committee on appropriations of the house ofrepresentatives at the beginning of the 1992 regular session of thelegislature. The secretary shall submit additional reports and informationregarding the pilot project as requested by such committees during suchlegislative session.
History: L. 1990, ch. 92, § 11; July 1.