39-349. Same; use of proceeds of sale or levy.Any board of county commissioners that may sell the county farm orcounty asylum theretofore used in caring for the poor of said county asprovided for in chapter 100 [39-343 to 39-348] of the Session Laws ofKansas for the year 1909, as amended by Laws 1919, chapter 162 [39-345,39-347], may use such funds or any part thereof, and may use fundscollected from the tax levy as provided in said chapter, or any partthereof, in the purchasing of land and in the erection of suitablebuildings thereon and in making other necessary improvements, and providingnecessary equipment for the establishment of a county asylum to be used incaring for the poor of said county.
History: L. 1911, ch. 147, § 1; March 11; R.S. 1923, 39-349.