39-365. Proceeds from sale of certain county farm realty to specialbuilding fund; use.That the board of county commissioners of any county which has, prior tothe effective date of this act, been authorized to sell real property, thesame being part of a county farm, by a majority vote of the legal electorsof such county voting at an election held for such purpose, may sell suchreal property, and place the moneys derived from the sale in a specialbuilding fund. Such special building fund may be expended by said board ofcounty commissioners to repair or construct and equip a building for thehousing, maintenance and care of social welfare clients. Such expendituresmay be made during the remainder of the calendar year 1951 even though suchexpenditures were not included in the budget for such period.
History: L. 1951, ch. 230, § 1; March 29.