39-366. Building for the poor in certain counties; issuance of bonds. The board of county commissioners of any county which has prior to theeffective date of this act submitted, with or without authority of law, toa vote of the electors of said county the question of issuing generalobligation bonds in an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars($500,000) for the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of erectingand equipping a building for the poor, and at least seventy percent (70%)of the legal electors voting on such question shall have voted in favorthereof, is hereby authorized and empowered to construct and equip abuilding for the poor, and to pay the cost thereof may issue generalobligation bonds of the county in an amount not exceeding the maximumamount submitted and approved at such election. All bonds issued under theauthority of this act shall be issued, registered, sold, delivered andretired in accordance with the provisions of the general bond law and shallnot be subject to or within any bonded debt limitation prescribed by anyother law of this state and shall not be considered or included in applyingany other law limiting bonded indebtedness. Whenever bonds are issued underauthority of this act, no bonds shall be issued for the same purpose underauthority of any other law.
History: L. 1955, ch. 174, § 1; April 8.