39-368. Same; appraisement; report; notice; hearingfor confirmation;objections; approval or finding as to actual value.Before said sale, and to determine the value of said property, the districtjudge of said county, upon application in writing of theboard of county commissioners, shall appoint three (3) appraisers, whobefore entering upon the discharge of their duties, and within five (5)days after notice of their appointment, shall take an oath in substance asfollows: That they will support the constitution of the state of Kansas andfaithfully discharge their duties as appraisers of the county farm of______________ (name of county) county, Kansas; that immediatelyupon taking said oath said appraisers shall view said property and appraisethe same, both as to each of the logically divisible parts of such propertyand as to the whole of such property, and file a report with the clerk ofthe district court. And on the filing of said report the county clerk ofsaid county shall give thirty (30) days' notice in the official paper ofsaid county, which notice shall state the day and hour when said report ofsaid commissioners will come on for hearing before said court forconfirmation; that if twenty-five (25) or more resident taxpayers shall,within twenty (20) days after the return of the appraisement hereinbeforeprovided for, file their objections thereto in writing, attacking thecorrectness of such appraisement, stating wherein the same is incorrect,duly verified by one or more of such taxpayers, it shall be the duty of thecourt to pass upon said objections, and for that purpose the court may heartestimony for or against said confirmation, and upon a full hearing shallapprove said appraisement and the sale price if the same is fair and just;and if in the judgment of said court said appraisement and the sale priceis unfair, then said court shall make a finding as to the actual value ofsaid property, which finding shall be conclusive. Said hearing may be heldat chambers.
History: L. 1963, ch. 176, § 2; L. 1976, ch. 145, § 190; Jan. 10, 1977.