39-929. Provisional license, approval; terms; extension.A provisional license may be issued to any adult care home, thefacilities of which are temporarily unable to conform to all the standards,requirements, rules and regulations established under the provisions ofthis act: Provided, however, That the issuance of such provisionallicense shall be approved by the state fire marshal. A provisional licensemay be issued to provide time to make necessary corrections for not morethan six (6) months. One additional successive six-month provisionallicense may be granted at the discretion of the licensing agency. A changeof ownership during the provisional licensing period will not extend thetime for the requirements to be met that were the basis for the provisionallicense nor entitle the new owner to an additional provisional license.
History: L. 1961, ch. 231, § 7; L. 1972, ch. 171, § 6; July 1.