40-1110. Supplemental coverages or endorsements in connection withliability policies.In connection with insurance against bodily injury liability, burglary,robbery or theft, whether issued by a stock or mutual company, or otherinsurer, such stock or mutual company or other insurer may also issueendorsements, or supplemental coverages to cover, irrespective of legalliability of the insured, medical, surgical, hospital, funeral or otherexpenses sustained by the named insured or other person and incurred as aresult of bodily injury, sickness or disease caused by accident, or duringthe commission of a burglary, robbery or theft which is insured against inthe basic policy to which such endorsements or supplemental coverages areadded. The endorsement or supplemental coverage may also provide benefitsto injured persons and death benefits to dependents, beneficiaries orpersonal representatives of persons who are killed on account of the bodilyinjury or death of any person including the named insured, irrespective oflegal liability of the insured, if such injury or death is caused byaccident or, in the case of an automobile liability policy, if such injuryor death is caused by accident and sustained by the insured while in orupon, entering into or alighting from or through being struck by anautomobile. The standard provisions as set out in article 22 of chapter 40of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, or amendments thereto shall not berequired in such endorsements.
History: L. 1941, ch. 260, § 1; L. 1951, ch. 297, § 1; L. 1957, ch. 284, § 1;L. 1968, ch. 273, § 6; July 1.
Practice Areas: Contracts
Practice Areas: Family
Practice Areas: Intellectual Property, Copyright