40-205a. Application for license to sell stock of insurance company orhealth maintenance organization, fee.No person shall do any act toward selling the stock of any insurancecompany or health maintenance organization unless such person first obtainsfrom the commissioner ofinsurance written authority to engage in the business of selling thestock of such company. Such applicant shall first be appointed inwriting by the president or secretary of the company forwhich such applicant intends to sell stock. The applicant for such licenseshall file withthe commissioner of insurance the applicant's writtenapplication for alicense authorizing the applicant to engage in the businessof selling suchstock. The applicant shall make sworn answers to such interrogatories asthe commissioner of insurance shall require. The fee charged for theissuance of such license shall be $100 and shall bepaid tothe commissioner of insurance by the company requesting such license.
History: L. 1931, ch. 208, § 1;L. 1996, ch. 169, § 3; July 1.