40-222a. Examination of corporations organizing domestic insurancecompanies.The commissioner may, whenever he deems it necessary, examine theaffairs of any corporation organized under any law of this state, or havingan office in this state, which corporation is engaged in, or advertisingthat it is engaged in, or receiving stock subscription for the formation ofa domestic insurance company; or any corporation which is holding thecapital stock of any domestic insurance company for the purpose ofcontrolling the management thereof. Each such company or corporation, itsofficers, directors, employees, and agents, shall produce the corporatebooks and papers in its or their possession relating to its business oraffairs, and any other person may be required to produce any corporate bookor paper in his custody deemed to be relevant to such examination, for theinspection of the commissioner, or any person appointed by the commissionerfor such examination.
History: L. 1967, ch. 250, § 1; July 1.