40-223d. Same; insufficiency of fund; transfer from general fund,limitation; files.In the event such fund as established by this act is, at any time,insufficient to provide the amount necessary to compensate and reimbursethe examiners as provided herein, the commissioner shall certify the amountof additional funds required to the director of accounts and reports whoshall promptly transfer the required amount from the state general revenuefund to the insurance company annual statement examination fund and notifythe state treasurer who shall make proper entry on his records:Provided, That such additional funds shall not exceed the amount offive thousand dollars ($5,000) per fiscal year. The commissioner shallmaintain in his files for a period of five (5) years from its date aduplicate of said voucher and a statement which shall set forth the reasonssuch fund was deficient.
History: L. 1971, ch. 157, § 4; March 16.