40-252b. Fees, charges and taxes under 40-252; in lieu of allother license fees and taxes; exceptions.For taxable years commencing on and after January 1, 1998, the fees,charges and taxes provided for by K.S.A. 40-252and amendments thereto shall be in lieu of all other license fees, premiumor occupationtaxes, income taxes, intangible property taxes, or other fees levied orassessed upon the basis of income,premiums, gross receipts and intangible property by this state andany municipality, countyor other political subdivision of this state, and no municipality,county or other political subdivision of this state shall impose anylicense fee or privilege, premium, income, intangible property or grossreceipts tax or fee upon anyinsurance company or corporation taxed under the provisions of K.S.A.40-252 and amendments thereto and organized under the laws of this state ordoingbusiness in this state, or upon any of its agents or representatives forthe privilege of doing an insurance business therein. This section shall not beconstrued to prohibit the levyandcollection of (a) state, county or municipal taxes upon the real andtangible personal property of such company, (b) tax for the purpose ofmaintaining the office of the fire marshal of this state as provided inK.S.A. 75-1508 and amendments thereto, (c) the firemen's relief fund tax asprovided for inK.S.A. 40-1701 through 40-1707 and amendments thereto, and (d) municipaloccupation taxes levied upon anybasis other than income, intangible property, premiums or gross receipts.
History: L. 1970, ch. 183, § 4;L. 1997, ch. 175, § 4; July 1.