40-2253. Universal accident and sickness insurance claim forms, designand use; acceptance of claims by insurer; uniform electronic data interchangeformats and standards.(a) The commissioner of insurance shall devise universal forms to be utilizedby every insurance company, including health maintenance organizations whereapplicable, offering any type of accident and sickness policy coveringindividuals residing in this state for the purpose of receiving every claimunder such policy by persons covered thereunder. In the preparation of suchforms, the commissioner may confer with representatives of insurance companies,health maintenance organizations, trade associations and other interestedparties. Upon completion and final adoption of such forms by the commissioner,the commissioner shall notify those companies affected by sending them a copyof such forms and an explanation of the requirements of this section. Everysuch company shall implement utilization of such forms not later than sixmonths following the date of the commissioner's notification.
(b) An accident and sickness insurer may not refuse to accept a claimsubmitted on duly promulgated uniform claim forms. An insurer may acceptclaims submitted on any other form.
(c) An accident and sickness insurer does not violate subsection (a) byusing a document that the accident and sickness insurer has been required touse by the federal government or the state.
(d) The commissioner of insurance shall report to the governor and to thelegislature, no later than the commencement of the 1993 regular session of theKansas legislature, regarding the development of uniform electronic datainterchange formats and standards, along with a proposed plan, including ananalysis of the cost impact thereof.
History: L. 1991, ch. 133, § 1;L. 1992, ch. 73, § 1; July 1.