40-2d02. Risk-based capital report.(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), every domestichealth organization shall prepare and submitto the commissioner, on or before March 1, a report of its RBC levels as of theend of the calendar year just ended in a form and containing such informationas is required by the RBC instructions. In addition, every domestic healthorganization shall file its RBC report:
(1) With the NAIC in accordance with the RBC instructions; and
(2) with the insurance commissioner in any state in which the healthorganization is authorized to do business, if such insurance commissioner hasnotified the health organization of its request in writing, in which case, thehealth organization shall file its RBC report not later than the later of:
(A) 15 days from the receipt of notice to file its RBC report with thatstate; or
(B) the filing date otherwise specified in this subsection.
(b) The risk-based capital requirements of this section shall not apply toany health organization contracting with the Kansas department of social andrehabilitation services to provide services provided under title XIX and titleXXI of the social security act or any other public benefits, provided thepublic benefit contracts represent at least 90% of the premium volume of thehealth organization.
History: L. 2000, ch. 147, § 3; July 1.