40-3905. Cities and counties; notice to commissionerand insurance companies.Every city or county which adopts an ordinance or resolution under theprovisionsof K.S.A. 40-3901 through 40-3904, and amendmentsthereto shall notify the commissionerof insurance. At least once each quarter of each calendar year, thecommissionershall prepare and distribute a list of all cities and countiesadopting an ordinance or resolution under the provisions of this act during thepreceding quarter to all insurance companies which issue policies insuringbuildingsand other structures againstloss by fire, explosion or windstorms. Insurance companiesshallhave 60 days after the commissioner notifies them of the adoption of suchordinance or resolution to establish procedures within such cities or countiesto carry out the provisions of this act.
History: L. 1982, ch. 192, § 6;L. 1998, ch. 84, § 3; Apr. 16.