40-5508. Nonresident public adjuster license, when;requirements.(a) Unless denied licensure pursuant to K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-5510, andamendmentsthereto, anonresident individual shall receive a nonresident public adjuster license, if:
(1) The individual is currently licensed and in good standing as a residentpublic adjusterin that individual's home state;
(2) the individual has submitted the proper request for licensure, has paidthe appropriatefee required by K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-5505, and amendments thereto, and, ifrequired by thecommissioner to do so, has provided proof of financial responsibility inaccordance with K.S.A. 2009 Supp. 40-5511, and amendmentsthereto;
(3) the individual has submitted to the commissioner the appropriatecompletedapplication for licensure; and
(4) the individual's home state awards nonresident public adjuster licensesto residents ofthis state on the same basis.
(b) The commissioner may verify the public adjuster's licensing statusthrough theproducer database maintained by the NAIC.
(c) As a condition to continuation of a public adjuster license issued underthis section,the licensee shall maintain a resident public adjuster license in thelicensee's home state. Thenonresident public adjuster license issued under this section shall terminateand be surrenderedimmediately to the commissioner, if the home state public adjuster licenseterminates for anyreason, unless the public adjuster has a new home state and has been issued alicense as a residentpublic adjuster in the new home state. Notification to the state or stateswhere the nonresidentlicense is issued must be made as soon as practicable, but no later than 30days of a change in thenew home state resident license. The licensee shall include in suchnotification the licensee'snew and old addresses. A new home state resident license is required for anonresident license toremain valid, and the new home state must have reciprocity with this state, inorder for thenonresident license to remain valid.
History: L. 2009, ch. 83, § 8; Apr. 23.