40-5513. Allowable compensation for adjuster;prohibitions.(a) No public adjuster shall charge, agree to or accept ascompensation orreimbursement any payment, commission, fee or other thing of value equal tomore than 10% ofany insurance settlement or proceeds.
(b) A public adjuster shall not pay a commission, service fee or othervaluableconsideration to a person for investigating or settling first party claims inthis state, if that personis a business entity or is an individual required to be licensed under this actand is not so licensed.
(c) A person shall not accept a commission, service fee or other valuableconsiderationfor investigating or settling first party claims in this state, if that personis a business entity or isan individual required to be licensed under this act and is not so licensed.
(d) No public adjuster shall require, demand or accept any fee, retainer,compensation,deposit or other thing of value, prior to settlement of a claim.
History: L. 2009, ch. 83, § 13; Apr. 23.