40-604. Regulations and restrictions.It shall be unlawful for such association to make insurance on thehealth of individuals, or to contract the payment to any member or hisbeneficiaries a sum greater than three thousand dollars, unless suchcorporation or association shall have a membership sufficient to pay theface value of the certificate or policy in full with one single assessmentto make insurance on the life of any person until such person has firstbeen subjected to a medical examination by a regular practicing physician,and found to be insurable, except when insurance is granted againstaccident or disablement only; to make insurance on the life of any personabove sixty years of age; to issue joint life certificates or policiesgranting insurance on the life of more than one person under onecertificate or policy, unless each person insured under such certificate orpolicy shall be named and assessed individually for their full pro ratashare.
History: L. 1927, ch. 231, 40-604; June 1.