41-1003. Same; separate offenses may be joined; allegation as to placeand time; exceptions need not be negatived.In any indictment, information, or complaint, against any one or moreindividuals charging the violation of any of the provisions of this act,separate offenses hereunder may be joined in the same indictment,information, or complaint; and the accused may be prosecuted and convictedupon all or any of such counts so joined the same as upon separateindictments, informations or complaints; and judgment may be rendered oneach count upon which there is a conviction. In any indictment, informationor complaint for any violation of this act, it shall not be necessary todescribe the place where the offense was committed, except to allege thatit was committed in the county wherein the prosecution was had, unless theparticular place where the violation occurred constitutes one of thespecific ingredients of the offense; nor shall it be necessary to negativeany of the exceptions contained in this act, nor shall it be necessary tostate the day or the hour when the offense was committed unless the day orhour constitutes a special element or ingredient of the offense.
History: L. 1949, ch. 242, § 103; March 9.