42-708. Meetings of directors; notice; quorum; assessor of district;employees; compensation; official bonds.(a) That all regular meetings of said board of directors shall be heldon the first Monday of each month, and special meetings may be held at anytime when all of the members are voluntarily present, or may be called bythe president or any two members at any time; but notice in writing signedby persons calling any special meeting shall be served upon each directorat least six hours before the time fixed for such special meeting, unlesssuch notice be waived by voluntary appearance. If any director be presentin the district, such notice must be delivered to him personally, but ifabsent shall be left at his usual place of residence. A majority of thedirectors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and inthe absence of the secretary a quorum at any meeting may select a secretarypro tem. Each meeting of the board shall be open to the public.
(b) The board shall appoint an assessor of the district and such otheremployees as the board shall deem necessary for the efficient conduct ofthe district's business and shall fix their compensation. Officers andemployees appointed by the board shall hold office and employment duringthe pleasure of the board. The assessor and other employees shall executesuch official bonds as the board of directors may prescribe, which suchbonds shall be approved by the board of directors and filed with secretaryof said district, or with the county treasurer of the county wherein itsregistered office is located if the board of directors so directs. Premiumson all such bonds shall be paid by the district. The obligee named in anybond required under this act shall be the irrigation district, for use andbenefit of said district and all others concerned.
History: L. 1941, ch. 262, § 8; June 30.