42-710. General plan of operation; approval by chief engineer;surveys, maps and estimates.(a) As soon as practicable after organization of the irrigationdistrict, the board shall by resolution entered upon its records, formulatea general plan for its proposed operation as approved by the chiefengineer, in which it shall state what constructed work or other propertyis proposed to be purchased and the purchase price therefor, and/or whatconstruction work it is proposed to do and the estimated cost of suchconstruction, and shall state whether funds to pay such purchase price orcosts of construction shall be raised by issuing bonds or by creating afund through the collection of water rentals and charges or by creating afund by levying assessments against the land benefited or from moneyreceived under contract with United States or its departments or agencies,or whether it is contemplated to raise funds by the use of all or acombination of such methods of raising funds.
(b) For the purpose of ascertaining the costs of any such constructionwork, the board shall cause surveys, examinations, and plans to be made asshall demonstrate the practicability of such plan and furnish the properbasis for an estimate of the cost of carrying out the same. All suchsurveys, examinations, maps, plans and estimates shall be made under thedirection of a competent irrigation engineer and certified by him. Theboard shall then submit a copy of the same to the chief engineer for hisapproval. Upon receiving the approval thereof by the chief engineer, assubmitted or with limitations or as modified, amended or supplemented, theboard shall determine the amount of money required to be raised.
History: L. 1941, ch. 262, § 10; June 30.