42-725. Changing of boundaries; petition; approvalof chief engineer;withdrawal of name from petition, when.The holders of title, representing one-half or more of lands which takentogether constitute one tract of land located adjacent to the boundaries ofan irrigation district or located within the same county as a part of anirrigation district, may file with the directors of such irrigationdistricts, a petition for the changing and extending the boundaries of suchdistrict to include such additional lands. The holders of title to landslocated within the boundaries of an irrigation district may file with thedirectors of such irrigation district a petition for the changing of theboundaries of such district to exclude from the district lands which theyown. The petition shall describe the boundaries of the proposed additionallands or lands to be excluded, and shall describe the boundaries of theseveral parcels respectively owned by each of the petitioners, but suchdescription need not be more particular than is required by fractionalportions of a quarter section of land. A certified copy of the petition anddescription of additional lands, proposed to be included in the district,or a description of the lands proposed to be excluded shall be filed withthe chief engineer of the division of water resources of the Kansasdepartment ofagriculture. The board of directors of the irrigation district shall nottake action upon such petition without the approval of said chief engineer.A signer upon such petition shall not be permitted to withdraw his name asa signer except for fraud, undue influence or mutual mistake of fact.
History: L. 1947, ch. 284, § 3; L. 1967, ch. 277, § 1;L. 2004, ch. 101, § 78; July 1.