43-166. Same; summoning jury panel, when; notice; return of jurylist; use of first class mail in lieu of restricted mail.At least twenty (20) days before the attendance date of a jury panel,and unless a different time period be established by local rule, theclerk of the district court shall summon the persons named by the jurycommissioner to constitute such jury panel by mailing a written noticeto each such person by restricted mail, as defined by K.S.A. 60-103. Betweensix (6) days after the mailing of such summons, and six(6) days previous to the sitting of such court, the clerk of thedistrict court shall direct the sheriff to summon each of such personsfrom whom the clerk has received no return receipt, by giving personalnotice to each person, or by leaving a written notice at his place ofresidence with some adult person; and shall return such lists to thecourt at the opening thereof, specifying the names of those who weresummoned, and the manner in which each person was notified: Provided,That the jury commissioner may direct the clerk to use first class mailin lieu of restricted mail as herein provided and may further directthat personal service by the sheriff not be required.
History: L. 1971, ch. 176, § 12; L. 1972, ch. 191, § 1; July 1.