44-570. Same; employer's liabilityfor no-dependent deaths; awards tofund; duties of commissioner of insurance; refund.(a) In the event that subsection (d) of K.S.A. 44-510b, and amendmentsthereto, isinapplicable, every employer in thestate of Kansas operating a trade or business under the provisions of theworkers compensation act shall pay within 30 days after theaward is made thesum of$18,500 to the commissioner of insurance in every case where death resultsfrom the accident and where there are no dependents who are entitled tocompensation under theworkers compensation act.
(b) The commissioner of insurance shall remit allmoneys received under this section to the state treasurer in accordance withthe provisions of K.S.A. 75-4215, and amendments thereto. Uponreceipt of each such remittance, the state treasurershalldeposit the entireamount in the state treasury to the credit of theworkers' compensation fund.
(c) Upon rendering an award under this section, the directorshall transmit immediately a certified copy thereof to the commissioner ofinsurance. In case payment is, or has been made, under the provisions ofthis section and dependency later is shown, or if payment is made bymistake or inadvertence, or under such circumstances that justice requiresa refund thereof, the commissioner of insurance is hereby authorized torefund such payment to the employer, or if insured, to the employer'sinsurance carrier.
History: L. 1945, ch. 221, § 6;L. 1949, ch. 287, § 1;L. 1967, ch. 280, § 15;L. 1974, ch. 203, § 50;L. 1982, ch. 213, § 10;L. 1998, ch. 120, § 6;L. 2000, ch. 160, § 19;L. 2001, ch. 5, § 138; July 1.