45-310. Session laws; publication, printing, title and contents.(a) All acts passed at each session of the legislature shall bepublished in one or more volumes, under the direction of the secretary ofstate, as soon as practicable after the close of the session at which thesame are passed. Such acts shall take effect and be in force from and aftersuch publication, unless otherwise specifically provided in such act. Suchvolume or volumes shall also have included therein an index, the vetomessages of the governor, if any, all certificates that a bill or item oritems of a bill have been approved notwithstanding the governor's veto, ifany, and all concurrent resolutions adopted by the legislature, except suchresolutions extending congratulations or making a memorial for anydecedent. Whenever any bill or act of the legislature shall provide thatthe same shall be effective from and after its publication in the statutebook, the words "publication in the statute book" mean the date ofpublication of the session laws of Kansas specified in the certificateprovided for by K.S.A. 45-311. Nothing contained in this act shall beconstrued to require the same date of publication for separate volumes ofthe session laws of Kansas when more than one volume is published for asingle legislative session.
(b) Such volume or volumes shall be titled and may be cited as "________Session Laws of Kansas." The blank shall be filled with the numericdesignation of the year, in the case of regular sessions, and in the caseof special sessions the blank shall be filled with the numeric designationof the year followed by the word "Special." Such title shall be printed onthe back of each volume.
(c) The sections in such volume or volumes shall be printed in the samemanner as the 1967 Session Laws of Kansas, except (1) material added to anexisting section of the statutes shall be printed in italic type, and (2)material deleted from an existing section of the statutes shall be printedin canceled type.
(d) The secretary of state is authorized and directed to exerciseeditorial judgment in preparation of such volume or volumes to the end thatthe purposes of this act are made effective.
History: L. 1969, ch. 249, § 10; L. 1972, ch. 197, § 1; L. 1975,ch. 265, § 9; Feb. 3.