46-1102. Post auditor; appointment, removal, qualifications, compensationand expenses.There is hereby established the office of post auditor. The post auditorshall be appointed by the legislative post audit committee and shallserve under its direction. The post auditor may be removedfrom office by the affirmative vote of not less than seven members of thelegislative post audit committee taken at any regular meeting of suchcommittee. The post auditor shall be a person of extensiveexperience and recognized qualification in the field of governmentalfiscal procedures and auditing. The post auditor shall be in theunclassified service and shall receive such compensation as isdetermined by the legislative coordinating council,except that such compensation may be increased but not diminishedduring such service. The legislative post audit committee mayrecommend to the legislative coordinating council changes in the compensationof the post auditor. The post auditor shall receive travelexpenses and subsistence expenses and allowances as provided for membersof the legislature in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto whenattending any authorizedmeeting or business outside the city of Topeka.
History: L. 1971, ch. 185, § 2; L. 1979, ch. 166, § 1; L. 1984,ch. 191, § 2; Feb. 16.