46-1104. Expenses and compensation of committee members; approval ofvouchers and payrolls.Members of the legislative post audit committeeshall receive compensation, travel expenses and subsistence expenses andallowances as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212 and amendments thereto. Allcompensation and expenses ofmembers of the legislative post audit committeearising out of activities as members of such committee shall be paid fromappropriations made for the division of post audit. All compensation andexpenses of the post auditor and employees of the division of post auditshall be paid from appropriations made for the division of post audit. Allpayrolls and vouchers for payment of amounts from appropriations made forthe division of post audit shall be approved by the post auditor.
History: L. 1971, ch. 185, § 4; L. 1984, ch. 191, § 3; Feb. 16.