46-1109. Audits on request of governor orlegislators; direction ofaudit by committee; reimbursement of mileage expense of legislator requestingaudit at presentation of report.(a) In addition to other additional audits which the legislative postauditcommittee may direct, such committee may direct the audit of any stateagency or agencies when so requested in writing by the governor or anymember or committee of the legislature. Any such written request shallspecify the desired object of the audit requested and the reasons therefor.In directing the post auditor to make any such requested additional auditof a state agency or agencies, the legislative post audit committee maymodify the object and direct the details of the audit to be performed.
(b) In accordance with this subsection, the legislative post auditcommittee may reimburse travel mileage expense incurred by amember of the legislature to attend a meeting of the legislativepost audit committee for the presentation of the report of aperformance audit that was requested by suchmember of the legislature and performed at the direction of thelegislative post audit committee. The reimbursement for suchtravel mileage expense shall be for each mile actually traveledby the usual route in going to and returning from the meeting ofthe legislative post audit committee at the rate fixed underK.S.A. 75-3203a, and amendments thereto, and shall be subject toany restrictions or limitations prescribed by rules adoptedby the legislative post audit committee. In the case of aperformance audit that was requested by anystanding, special, select or joint committee of the legislature,the legislative post audit committee may reimburse travel mileageexpense incurred by not more than two members of such committeeand not more than one member of any political party. No travelmileage expense shall be reimbursed under this subsection forattendance at a legislative post audit committee meeting heldduring the time that the legislature is in session, unless thelegislature has adjourned for a period of more than two days.
History: L. 1971, ch. 185, § 9;L. 2000, ch. 144, § 1; May 25.