46-1115. Failure to furnish information or material for audit byperson entitled to receive state funds; withholding of funds; duties ofpost auditor and director of accounts and reports; certain contractsunimpaired.Whenever any person fails to make any books, accounts, contracts orrecords, files, documents and correspondence, confidential orotherwise, related to any of the foregoing available to the post auditor orto a firm performing a financial-compliance audit or toany officer or employee of the division of post audit or of such firmwithin 30 days after a request therefor by the postauditor or by a firm performing a financial-compliance audit or any such officer oremployee of the post auditor or of such firm, and such person isentitled under any other statute to receiveany state funds, such funds shall be withheld until such person has fullycomplied with such request. Whenever state funds are to be withheld underthis section, the post auditor shall give written notice thereof to thedirector of accounts and reports, and such director shall issue no warrantfor payment of state funds to such person until the post auditor has givensuch director written notice that such person has acceded to the request ofthe post auditor. The provisions of this section shall not affect anycontract entered into prior to the effective date of this act to the extentthat any impairment of such contract occurs.
History: L. 1974, ch. 215, § 4; L. 1984, ch. 191, § 5; Feb. 16.