46-1120. Contract audit committee; membership; chairperson; created withindivision of post audit; compensation; vote required for action.(a) There is hereby created the contract audit committeewhich shall consistof the following members: (1) The chairperson of the legislative post auditcommittee or a person designated by the chairperson from among the membersof the legislative post audit committee; (2) the vice-chairperson of thelegislative post audit committee or a person designated by thevice-chairperson from among the members of the legislative post auditcommittee; (3) a member of the legislative post audit committee designatedby majority vote of the legislative post audit committee; (4)the post auditor or a persondesignated by the post auditor; and (5) the secretary of administrationor a person designated by the secretary of administration. The chairpersonof the legislative post audit committee, or the person designated by thechairperson to serve as a member of the contract audit committee, shall bethe chairperson of the contract audit committee. No morethan two legislators who are members of the contract audit committee shall bemembers of the same political party.
(b) The contract audit committee shall be within thedivision of post auditas a part thereof. All budgeting, purchasing and related management functionsof the contract audit committee shall be administered under the directionand supervision of the post auditor.
(c) The legislators who are members of thecontract audit committee attending meetingsof such committee, or attending a subcommittee meeting thereof authorizedby such committee, shall be paid compensation, subsistence allowances, mileageand other expenses as provided in K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments theretoupon vouchers approved by the post auditor or a person designated by thepost auditor from appropriations made for the division of post audit.
(d) The contract audit committee shall meet on the callof the chairpersonof such committee. A vote of three members of thecontract audit committeeshall be required for any action of the contract audit committee.
History: L. 1980, ch. 153, § 1; L. 1984, ch. 191, § 7; Feb. 16.