46-1120a. Contract audit committee successor of abolished federal audit committee.(a) The federal audit committee is hereby abolished. Allof the powers, duties, functions, records and property of the federal auditcommittee are hereby transferred to and conferred and imposed upon thecontract audit committee created by this act. The contract audit committeeshall be the successor in every way to the powers, duties and functions ofthe federal audit committee in which the same were vested prior to theeffective date of this act.
(b) Whenever the federal audit committee, or words of like effect, arereferred to or designated by a statute, contract or other document, suchreference or designation shall be deemed to apply to the contract auditcommittee created by this act.
(c) All orders or directives of the federal audit committee in existenceon the effective date of this act shall continue to be effective and shall bedeemed to be the orders or directives of the contract audit committeecreated by this act until revised, amended, repealed or nullified pursuant to law.
History: L. 1984, ch. 191, § 8; Feb. 16.