46-1129. Confidentiality of responses to auditsurveys; authorized use of information.(a) As used in this section:
(1) "Audit" means any financial-compliance audit, performance audit or anyother auditor audit work conducted by the division of post audit or by a firm under thelegislative post auditact;
(2) "survey" means any questionnaire or other survey instrumentadministered bythe division of post audit or by a firm under the legislative post audit actfor the purposes and inthe course of an audit, regardless of form orcharacteristics; and
(3) any other words and phrases used in this section shall have the meaningsrespectivelyascribed thereto by K.S.A. 46-1112 and amendments thereto.
(b) A response to any survey administered for the purposes and in thecourse ofan audit approved by the legislative post audit committee shall be confidentialand shall not bedisclosed pursuant to the provisions of the open records act or under any otherlaw except as required pursuant to the legislative post audit act. Nothing inthis sectionshall limit the use of any information contained in responses to anysurvey by the division of post audit for the purposes of any auditor for any otherpurpose authorized orrequired under the legislative post audit act.
History: L. 2005, ch. 68, § 1; Apr. 14.