46-1201. Legislative coordinating council; membership; officers; meetings;notice of meetings to members of legislature and certain legislative officials;copies of minutes.(a) There is hereby established the legislative coordinating councilwhich shall have seven (7) members. Such members shall be the president ofthe senate, the speaker of the house of representatives, the speaker protem of the house of representatives, the majority leader of the senate, themajority leader of the house of representatives, the minority leader of thesenate, and the minority leader of the house of representatives.
(b) In even-numbered years, the speaker of the house of representativesshall be chairman of the legislative coordinating council, and thepresident of the senate shall be vice-chairman thereof. In odd-numberedyears, the president of the senate shall be chairman of the legislativecoordinating council, and the speaker shall be vice-chairman thereof.
(c) The legislative coordinating council shall meet at least once eachmonth in the interim between legislative sessions. Such council shall meeton the call of its chairman or any three members of the council. The directorof legislative administrative services, director of legislative research,revisor of statutes and each member of the legislature shall be given noticeof each meeting of the council by its chairman, except in cases of emergency. Each such notice shall state the date, time and place of the meeting. Thechairman also shall cause minutes to be prepared for each meeting of thecouncil, and a copy thereof shall be sent to each person who is requiredto receive notice of the council's meetings by thissubsection. It shall not be necessary to transmit with such minutes anyaccompanying documents for any item of business, but the minutes shall indicatewhether there are supportive documents for any item of business, the natureof such documents and where they are filed or stored.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 1; L. 1973, ch. 157, § 9;L. 1976, ch. 233, § 1; April 20.