46-1202. Legislative coordinating council; general powers andfunctions; rules; majority vote of five members required, exceptions.The legislative coordinating council shall have general authority overall legislative services and such authority shall be exercised by suchcouncil as it shall determine, except as otherwise provided by chapter 46of Kansas Statutes Annotated. The legislative coordinating council shallrepresent the legislature when the legislature is not in session. Thelegislative coordinating council may adopt and amend rules applicable toits affairs or to the meetings and activities of special committees,standing committees or advisory committees, except that such rules shallnot apply to standing committees meeting while the legislature is insession. When the legislature is not in session, the legislativecoordinating council shall govern the mechanics and procedure of alllegislative committee work and activities, except that of the interstatecooperation commission, legislative post-audit committee, state financecouncil and the ways and means of the senate and the committee onappropriations of the house ofrepresentatives when meeting under authority of K.S.A. 46-134a andamendments thereto. A majority voteof five members of the legislative coordinating council shall berequired for any action of the council, except that action relating solelyto one house of the legislature may be authorized by the unanimous vote ofthe members of the legislative coordinating council who are members of suchhouse of the legislature.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 2; L. 1973, ch. 211, § 1; L. 1975,ch. 275, § 2;L. 1987, ch. 196, § 7; Feb. 19.