46-1204. Authority to contract for personal property or services;delegation; limitations; employment of attorneys.The legislative coordinating council shall be authorized to contract forpurchases of personal property or services, and in the discretion ofsuch council, the same may be made as provided in K.S.A. 75-3739 andamendments thereto. Suchcouncil may delegate such authority to make or contractfor such purchases or services, except professional services, to thedirector of legislative administrative services. No member or committeeof the legislature, except the legislative coordinating council, shall beauthorized to employ or contract for professional services to be paidfrom appropriations for legislative expense or from appropriations tothe legislative coordinating council. The legislative coordinatingcouncil may employ by contract and direct one or more attorneys, who areapproved by a vote of 3/4 of the members of thelegislative coordinating council, to represent the legislature, eitherhouse thereof, the legislative coordinating council, any legislator, anyofficer or employee of the legislative branch or any combination of theforegoing, and any such attorney shall be paid from appropriations forlegislative expense. No contract made under authority of this sectionshall require approval under any other statute.Commencing in the fiscal year that commenced in calendar year 1995 and atleast once every six years thereafter, the legislative coordinating councilshall employ by contract and direct an independent actuary, approved by a voteof 3/4 of the members ofthe legislative coordinating council, to conduct an actuarial audit andevaluation for the purposes enumerated by K.S.A. 2000 Supp. 74-4908aand amendments thereto. Such actuarial audit and evaluation shall be paidfrom appropriations for legislative expense or from appropriations to thelegislative coordinating council.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 4; L. 1973, ch. 211, § 2; L. 1975,ch. 271, § 5;L. 1995, ch. 267, § 30; July 1.