46-1205. Legislative study committees; special, select and standingcommittees; advisory committees; minority party representation oncommittees.(a) There shall be three principal types of legislative studycommittees. One principal type of legislative study committee shall beknown as "special committees." The legislative coordinating council shallappoint members of the legislature to serve as members of various specialcommittees. From the members so appointed, the legislative coordinatingcouncil shall appoint one member as the chairman of that special committeeand one member as vice-chairman thereof. A second principal type oflegislative study committee shall be the individual standing committees ofthe house of representatives and senate.
(b) The legislative coordinating council may appoint, or authorize aspecial committee or a standing committee to appoint, one or more advisorycommittees. Whenever an advisory committee is appointed or authorized bythe legislative coordinating council, the function and mode of operation ofthe advisory committee shall be prescribed by the legislative coordinatingcouncil.
(c) The third principal type of legislative study committee shall beknown as "select committees." Select committees shall be created byresolution of the house of representatives, resolution of the senate or byconcurrent resolution. Any such resolution or concurrent resolution shallspecify the manner in which the membership of the select committee shall beselected, all of which shall be legislators. Any such resolution orconcurrent resolution shall specify the subject to be studied, the timethat report is to be made thereon and the manner of selection of thechairman and vice-chairman of the select committee, but shall not specifyother incidents related to procedure for the study.
(d) Members of special committees and select committees shall be soappointed that the minority party has representation thereon.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 5; May 1.