46-1209. Expenses and compensation of members of committees andcouncil; place of meetings; travel authorizations; expenses and allowancesof officers and employees of legislature.(a) Any member of the legislative coordinating council, when attending ameeting of such council, shall receive compensation and travel expenses andsubsistence expenses or allowances as provided in K.S.A. 75-3212, and actsamendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Any memberof a special committee, select committee or standing committee, whenattending a meeting of such committee authorized by the legislativecoordinating council, shall receive compensation and travel expenses andsubsistence expenses or allowances as provided in said K.S.A. 75-3212. Anymember of an advisory committee established by the legislativecoordinating council, or any non-legislator member of any committeeauthorized to make a legislative study when attending a meeting of suchcommittee authorized by the legislative coordinating council, shall receivetravel expenses and subsistence expenses or allowances as provided by lawfor state employees, including mileage in the amount fixed according tolaw, for each mile traveled by the usual route in going to and returningfrom the place of meeting.
(b) Amounts paid under authority of this section shall be paid fromappropriations for legislative expense or from appropriations to thelegislative coordinating council as determined by the legislativecoordinating council and in either event, vouchers therefor shall beprepared by the director of legislative administrative services andapproved by the chairman or vice-chairman of the legislative coordinatingcouncil.
(c) Meetings of the legislative coordinating council, specialcommittees, select committees and advisory committees shall be held inTopeka, Kansas, unless authorized to be held in a different place by thelegislative coordinating council. Standing committee meetings shall be heldin Topeka, Kansas, unless another place of meeting is authorized by thechairman or vice-chairman of the legislative coordinating council. Thelegislative coordinating council may authorize members of the legislatureor any officer or employee of the office of revisor of statutes,legislative research department or other officer or employee of thelegislative branch to attend in-state or out-of-state meetings forparticipation in matters of legislative interest to the state of Kansas.When attending a meeting so authorized, such members of the legislatureshall receive compensation and travel expenses and subsistence expenses orallowances as provided in said K.S.A. 75-3212. Officers andemployees of the legislature when traveling in-state or out-of-state shallreceive the same subsistence expenses and allowances as is provided by lawfor members of the legislature.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 9; L. 1973, ch. 211, § 3; L. 1975,ch. 271, § 7; Feb. 3.