46-1212. Library services for legislative branch ofgovernment; statelibrarian to acquire and maintain books and materials determined essentialby legislative coordinating council at approved location; loan of materialsby state law librarian; exchange of materials with other states andterritories; state librarian to confer with legislative coordinatingcouncil.One of the functions of the state library shall be to provide library servicesto the legislative branch of state government.
Under the direction and supervision of the legislative coordinatingcouncil,and with due regard for avoiding unnecessary duplication of materials inthe supreme court law library, the state librarian shall acquire and maintainfor use in the state library such books, pamphlets, documents and periodicalsas are determined by the legislative coordinating council to be essentialand of singular importance in providing legislative research and legal andbill drafting services to the legislative research department, the officeof the revisor of statutes, other offices of the legislative branch ofgovernmentand to members of the legislature. Books, pamphlets, documents and periodicalsdetermined by the legislative coordinating council to be essential to thelegislative branch of government shall be maintained at a location approvedby the legislative coordinating council. Pursuant to the authority grantedby K.S.A. 20-156, the state law librarian shall make available on an indefiniteloan to the state librarian such duplicate books, sets of works or otherduplicate or temporary material in the supreme court law library as maybe needed for use in the state library. In addition, the state librarianshall exchange such numbers of the legal publications of the state of Kansas,which are made available to him or her for such purpose, for such legalpublications of other states and territories as may be needed for use inthe state library.
The state librarian shall from time to time confer with the legislativecoordinating council concerning services provided to the legislative branchof government.
History: L. 1971, ch. 184, § 12; L. 1974, ch. 135, § 13; L.1977, ch. 187, § 1; July 1.